Contributed Data
The Encyclopedia of Masashing List v2.6 (in Japanese)
A hypertext version of Encyclopedia of Sada Masashi
(Japanese famous folk singer).
This encyclopedia is maintained by members of massan mailing list.
itojun's London tour 93.03 (in Japanese)
A hypertext diary of itojun's London tour.
Have fun!
itojun's USENIX COOTS'95 diary 95.06 (in Japanese)
itojun's OOPSLA'95 diary 95.10 (in Japanese)
itojun's Brussels diary 95.12 (in Japanese/English)
itojun's Italy diary 95.12 (in Japanese/English)
Asian Pop Artists' Discography
Here we have various Asian Pop artists' discography.
This archive is maintained by members of world-pop mailing list.
ESD's free software gallery
Here we have ESD's free softwares!
This archive is maintained by members of ESD.
ESD's tokyo restaurant surveylance(in Japanese)
ESD surveys restaurants around Tokyo every week for 6 years.
Here's our brief footprint of surveylance.
You can enjoy pictures, even if you do not understand Japanese.
HP100/200LX related internet resources
digital camera related internet resources
Hosokawa's Art Gallery
Here we have various beautiful photographs, and free softwares.
Asian Pops Information
Here we have the information about pop music of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other
Asian countries.
English page is here.
This archive is maintained by Tatsumi Hosokawa.
Network administration information
We collect various network administration documents and
answer to frequently asked questions.