Recent Technical Papers

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  1. Mario Tokoro and Ichiro Satoh, "Asynchrony and Real-Time in Distributed Systems", Proceedings of Parallel Symbolic Computing: Languages, Systems, and Applications, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp. 318-330, January 1994.
  2. Mario Tokoro, "The Society of Objects", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-93-018, Invited talk at OOPSLA'93 and to be appeared in Addendum to the OOPSLA'93 Proceedings, December 1993. Paper
  3. Mario Tokoro and Kazunori Takashio, "Toward Languages and Formal Systems for Distributed Computing", Proceedings of ECOOP Workshop on OBDP (OBDP'93) (to appear).
  4. Mario Tokoro, "Toward Computing Systems for the 2000's", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-91-005, in the Workshop on OS for the 90th and Beyond July 1991, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Also appear in LNCS 563, Springer-Verlag, May 1991. Paper
  5. M. Tokoro and K. Honda, "The Computational Field Model for Open Distributed Environments", in Concurrency: Theory, Language, and Architecture, LNCS, No. 491, Springer Verlag, 1991.
  6. Mario Tokoro, "Computational Field Model: Toward a New Computing Model/Methodology for Open Distributed Environment", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-006, in Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems, Cairo, Sep. 1990., June 1990. Paper
  7. Mario Tokoro, "Toward a New Computing Model for an Open Distributed Environment", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-002, To be appeared in Lecture Note in Computer Science, April 1990. Paper
  8. M. Tokoro and Y. Ishikawa, "The Distribued Knowledge Object Model DKOM and its Programming Language Orient84/K", in Concepts and Characteristics of Knowledge-based Systems, M. Tokoro et al. eds, North Holland, October 1989.
  9. Mario Tokoro, "MD-based Computing: Toward a Computing Model/Methodology for Open Distributed Environment", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-009, presented at UK-Japan Computer Science Workshop, Oxford, September 1989. Paper

Distributed Artificial Intelligence

  1. Rumiko Kakehi and Mario Tokoro, "A Negotiation Protocol for Conflict Resolution in Multi-agent Environments", Proceedigns of 1st International Conference on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems(ICICIS'93), Rotterdam, May 1993. Paper
  2. K. Matsubayashi and M. Tokoro, "A Collabovarion Mechanism on Positive Interactions in Multi-Agent Environments", Proceedings of 13th International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI'93), Chambery, August 1993. Paper
  3. E. Osawa and M. Tokoro, "Collaborative Plan Construction for Multiagent Mutual Planning", Proc. of European Workshop on Modeling an Autonomous Agents in a Multi-agent World (MAAMAW'91), Kaiserslautern, August 1991.
  4. Ei-Ichi Osawa and Mario Tokoro, "Collaborative Plan Construction for Multiagent Mutual Planning", Sony CSL technical memo SCSL-TM-90-008, submitted to 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, December 1990. Paper
  5. C. Numaoka and M. Tokoro, "Conversation among Situated Agents", Proc. of 10th Int'l Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI'90), Austin, Tx, October 1990.
  6. Ei-ichi Osawa and Mario Tokoro, "SocioAgent: A Society of Rational Speech Actors", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-011, in 7th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, in Japanese, September 1990. Paper
  7. Takahiko Sueyoshi and Mario Tokoro, "Dynamic Modeling of Agents for Coordination", Proc. of European Workshop on Modeling an Autonomous Agents in a Multi-agent World (MAAMAW'90), Saint-Quantine-en-Yvelines, August 1990. Paper
  8. C. Numaoka and M. Tokoro, "Decentralized Parsing Method using Communicating Multiple Concurrent Agents", Proc, 2nd Int'l conf. on the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS), June 1990.
  9. Ei-ichi Osawa, Shigeru Watari, Nobuhisa Fujinami and Mario Tokoro, "Users' View of Objects in the Muse Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-006, in 6th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (in Japanese), October 1989. Paper
  10. T. Maruichi, M. Ichikawa, and M. Tokoro, "Modeling Autonomous Agents and their Groups", European Workshop on Modeling an Autonomous Agent in a Multi-Agent World (MAAMAW'89), Cambridge, UK, August 1989.
  11. C. Numaoka and M. Tokoro "ADAM: An Extension of Situation Semantics for Proactical Use", Proc. of Int'l Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (FGCS'88), October 1988.


  1. K. Takashio and M. Tokoro, "Time Polymorphic Invocation: A Real-Time Communication Model for Distributed Systems", Proc. IEEE First Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (PDRTS'93), Los Angeles, April 1993. Paper
  2. K. Takashio and M. Tokoro, "DROL: An Object-Oriented Programming Language for Distributed Real-Time Systems", Proc. OOPSLA'92, Vancouver, Oct. 1992. Paper

Object Oriented Database

  1. Tatsuo Minohara, Ryuichi Watanabe and Mario Tokoro, "Queries on Structures in Hypertext", Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms(FODO'93), Chicago, Springer-Verlag LNCS, October 1993.
  2. Tatsuo Minohara and Mario Tokoro, "A Study of Propagation Control in Metalevel Architectures", A drastically reduced version is in Proceedings of the IMSA'92 International Workshop on Reflection and Meta-level Architecture, Nov. 1992.
  3. Tatsuo Minohara, "Challenges of Persistent Information Systems", Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Object-Oriented Computing, March 1992.
  4. S. Watari, Y. Honda and M. Tokoro, "Morphe: A constraint-Based Object-Oriented Language Supporting Situated Knowledge", Proc. Int'l Conf. on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (FGCS'92), Tokyo, June 1992.
  5. T. Minohara and M. Tokoro, "Providing Dynamic Abstractions and Type Specifications for Persistent Information", Proc. 2nd Int'l Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (DOOD'91), Muhnich, Springer-Verlag LNCS 566, Dec. 1991.
  6. Tatsuo Minohara and Mario Tokoro, "MyAO: A Model for Expressing Persistent Objects", Workshop on Object-Oriented Computing, 1990.
  7. Tatsuo Minohara and Mario Tokoro, "Multiple meta-objects support an object", ECOOP/OOPSLA'90 Workshop on Reflection and Metalevel Architectures, 1990.
  8. S. Watari, E. Osawa, Y. Honda, M. Reeve, and M. Tokoro, "Toward Music: A Description Language for the Muse Object Model", Proc, 2nd Int'l conf. on the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS), June 1990.
  9. Shigeru Watari, Shinji Kono, Ei-ichi Osawa, Rik Smoody and Mario Tokoro, "Extending Object-Oriented Systems to Support Dialectic Worldviews", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-005, in Proceedings of Advanced Database System Symposium, December 1989. Paper

Programming Languages

  1. Hideaki Okamura and Yutaka Ishikawa, "Object Location Control Using Meta-level Programming", Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'94), Springer-Verlag LNCS 821, Jul. 1994. Paper
  2. Hideaki Okamura, Yutaka Ishikawa and Mario Tokoro, "Metalevel Decomposition in AL-1/D", Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS'93), Springer-Verlag LNCS 742, Nov. 1993. Paper
  3. Hideaki Okamura, Yutaka Ishikawa and Mario Tokoro, "AL-1/D: A Distributed Programming System with Multi-Model Reflection Framework", Proceedings of the IMSA'92 International Workshop on Reflection and Meta-level Architecture, Nov. 1992. Paper
  4. T. Hirotsu and M. Tokoro, "An Object-Oriented Transction Support for Distributed and Persistent Objects", Proc. IEEE Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS'92), Durdon, Sep. 1992. Paper
  5. M. Uehara and M. Tokoro, "An Adaptive Load Balancing Method in the Computational Field Model", presented at the OOPSLA Workshop on Object Based Concurrent Programming (Oct. 1990), included in OOPS MESSENGER, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1991.
  6. Hideaki Okamura and Mario Tokoro, "ConcurrentSmalltalk-90", Proc. TOOLS Pacific'90, Dec. 1990. Paper
  7. M. Uehara, C. Numaoka, Y. Yokote and M. Tokoro "Sarek: A Window System Interface for Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming Languages", Proc. of ACM OOPSLA Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Programmng, Oct. 1988, published in SIGPLAN Notices, Vol.24, No. 4, 1989.
  8. T. Nakajima, Y. Yokote, M. Tokoro, S. Ochiai and T. Nagamatsu, "Distributed ConcurrentSmalltalk: A Language and System for the Interpersonal Environment", Proc. of ACM OOPSLA Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Programmng, Oct. 1988, published in SIGPLAN Notices, Vol.24, No. 4, 1989.

Operating Systems, Networks

  1. Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Constructing IPv6 protocol stack on Apertos", Proceedings of IWOOOS'96, October 1996. Paper
  2. Yasuhiko Yokote, Michel P. Feret and Jun-ichiro Itoh "A New Software Architecture for Evolvable Multimedia Software", to appear in European Transactions of Telecommunications (ETT).
  3. Yasuhiko Yokote, Michel P. Feret, Jun-ichiro Itoh and Claude Barraud, "A New Software Architecture for Evolvable Multimedia Software", Proceedings of European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques (ECMAST96), Louvain, Belgium, May 1996.
  4. Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "SCONE: Using Concurrent Objects for Low-level Operating System Programming", Proceedings of the ACM OOPSLA'95. October 1995. Paper Paper
  5. Jun-ichiro Itoh, Rodger Lea, and Yasuhiko Yokote, "Using meta-objects to support optimization in the Apertos operating system", USENIX COOTS(Conference on Object Oriented Technologies), June 1995. Paper Paper
  6. Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "SCONE: A New Execution Model for Low-level System Programming based on Concurrent Objects", Submitted to ACM OOPSLA'95. 1995. Paper
  7. Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Flexible Low-Level System Programming in Apertos Operating System", Position Paper for ACM OOPSLA'94 Workshop on Flexibility in System Software, October 1994. Paper
  8. Jun-ichiro Itoh and Yasuhiko Yokote, "Concurrent Object-Oriented Device Driver Programming in Apertos Operating System", Sony Computer Science Laboratory Technical Memo SCSL-TM-94-005, June 1994. Paper
  9. Seiji Murata, Atsushi Shionozaki and Mario Tokoro, "A Network Architecture for Reliable Process Group Communication", in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distibuted Computing Systems, June 1994.
  10. Jun-ichiro Itoh and Mario Tokoro, "Object-Oriented Device Driver Programming", Handout for JSSST 10th Workshop on Object-Oriented Computing(WOOC'94), March 1994. Paper
  11. Atsushi Shionozaki and Mario Tokoro, "A Framework for a Responsive Network Protocol for Internetworking Environments", IEICE Transactions on Information Systems E76-D(11), November 1993.
  12. Atsushi Shionozaki and Mario Tokoro, "Control Handling in Real-Time Communication Protocols", Proceedings of SIGCOMM'93, pp.149-159, September 1993. Paper
  13. Fumio Teraoka and Mario Tokoro, "Host Migration Transparency in IP Networks: The VIP Approach", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-93-001, also appeared in ACM Computer Communication Review Vol.23, No.1, January 1993. Paper
  14. Atsushi Shionozaki and Mario Tokoro, "Towards a Responsive Network Protocol", Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Responsive Computer Systems, pp.52-61, October 1992. Paper
  15. Takao Tenma, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Implementing Persistent Objects in the Apertos Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-92-015, also appeared in the Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems, September 1992, September 1992. Paper
  16. A. Shionozaki and M. Tokoro, "Towards a Responsive Network Protocol", Proc. 2nd Int'l Workshop on Responsive Computer Systems (RCS'92), Kami Fukuoka, September 1992.
  17. Fumio Teraoka, Kim Claffy and Mario Tokoro, "Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Virtual Internet Protocol", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-92-003, also appeared in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, June, 1992, March 1992. Paper
  18. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Host Migration Transparency in Wide Area Networks", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-92-002, also appeared in Computer Software, Vol.9, No.3, May, 1992, in Japanese, January 1992. Paper
  19. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "A Network Architecture Providing Host Migration Transparency", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-91-004, also appeared in Proceedings of SIGCOMM'91 SYMPOSIUM, Communications Architectures & Protocols, September 1991. Paper
  20. Yasuhiko Yokote, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, Nobuhisa Fujinami and Mario Tokoro, "Reflective Object Management in the Muse Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-91-009, also appeared in Proc. IEEE Int'l Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating systems (IWOOOS'91), Palo Alto, September 1991. Paper
  21. Yasuhiko Yokote, Atsushi Mituzawa, Nobuhisa Fujinami and Mario Tokoro, "Evaluation of Muse Reflective Object Management", Sony CSL technical memo SCSL-TM-91-019, presented at the 8th Conference of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (in Japanese), September 1991. Paper
  22. Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, Nobuhisa Fujinami and Mario Tokoro, "The Muse Object Architecture: A New Operating System Structuring Concept", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-91-002, also appeared in Operating Systems Review, Vol.25, No.2, April, 1991, February 1991. Paper
  23. Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Muse: An Operating System for Next Generation Computing Environment", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-001, also appeared in Computer Systems Symposium in 1991, in Japanese, January 1991. Paper
  24. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Communication Protocols for Supporting Mobile/Portable Hosts", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-008, in 7th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, in Japanese, September 1990. Paper
  25. Nobuhisa Fujinami, Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Atsushi Mitsuzawa and Mario Tokoro, "Real-time Scheduling Facilities for the Muse Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-007, (in Japanese), August 1990. Paper
  26. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Virtual Network: Towards Location Transparent Communication in Large Distributed Systems", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-005, in Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Computer Communications, June 1990. Paper
  27. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote, Atsushi Mitsuzawa and Mario Tokoro, "Location Transparent Inter-Object Communication in the Muse Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-90-001, (in Japanese), April 1990. Paper
  28. Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Masaki Yamada, Hiroshi Tezuka and Mario Tokoro, "The Design and Implementation of the Muse Object-Oriented Distibuted Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-010, in Proceedings of First Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, October 1989. Paper
  29. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Muse-IP: A Network Layer Protocol for Large Distributed Systems with Mobile Hosts", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-003, in Proceedings of the 4th Joing Workshop on Computer Communications, June 1989. Paper
  30. Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka and Mario Tokoro, "A Reflective Architecture for an Object-Oriented Distributed Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-001, in Proceedings of European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming '89, March 1989. Paper
  31. Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, "Inter-Object Communication in the Muse Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-88-002, in 5th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, in Japanese, September 1988. Paper
  32. Yasuhiko Yokote and Fumio Teraoka and Mario Tokoro, "Object Management in the Muse Operating System", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-88-001, in 5th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, in Japanese, September 1988. Paper

Logic, Realtime Logic

  1. Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro, "Semantics for a Real-Time Object-Oriented Programming Language", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages'94, The Computer Society of the IEEE, May 1994. Paper
  2. Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro, "A Theory of Processes with Localities", Workshop on Programming Tools and Techniques, November 1993. Paper
  3. I. Satoh and M. Tokoro, "A Timed Calculus for Distributed Objects with Clocks", Proc. ECOOP'93, Kaiserslautern, July 1993. Paper
  4. Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro, "A Timed Calculus for Distributed Objects with Clocks", Proceedings of European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming'93, Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp.326--245, July 1993. Paper
  5. Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro, "A Timed Process Calculus Based on Distributed Time", Technical Report 93-PRG / Technical Report COMP91-59, Information Processing Society of Japan/The Institute of Electronics, and Communication Engineers, March 1993.
  6. I. Satoh and M. Tokoro, "A Formalism for Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented Computing", Proc. OOPSLA'92, Vancouver, pp.315-326, Oct. 1992. Paper
  7. Ichiro Satoh and Mario Tokoro, "RtCCS: A Formalism for Real-Time Concurrent Object-Oriented Computing", Workshop on Object-Oriented Computing'92, March 1992. Paper
  8. Shinji Kono and Mario Tokoro, "Parallel Reflection", Sony CSL technical memo SCSL-TM-90-011, June 1990. Paper
  9. Shinji Kono, Masaki Yamada and Mario Tokoro, "Thread Diagram", Sony CSL technical memo SCSL-TM-90-010, submitted to WOOC 90, Japanese Workshop on Object Oriented Computation, March 1990. Paper
  10. Shinji Kono, Shigeru Watari and Mario Tokoro, "Object Storage System and Programming Transparency", Sony CSL technical report SCSL-TR-89-004, Technical Report 89-SF-30-2, Information Processing Society of Japan (in Japanese), September 1989. Paper


  1. Kohei Honda and Nobuko Yoshida, "Combinatory Representation of Mobile Process", in POPL'94, Conference Record of the 21st Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Association for Computing Machinery, January 1994 (to appear). Paper
  2. Kohei Honda and Nobuko Yoshida, "On Reduction-based Process Semantics", in FST/TCS'93, Proceedings of 13th Conference on Foundation of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, December 1993 (to appear). Paper
  3. Nobuko Yoshida, "Optimal in Weak $\lambda$-calculus with Shared Environments", Proceedings of Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, 1993. Paper
  4. Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos, "Typed Concurrent Objects", Tokoro Laboratory Technical Report, Dec. 6, 1993. Paper
  5. Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos, "Recursive Types in a Calculus of Objects", Tokoro Laboratory Technical Report, Nov. 2, 1993. Paper
  6. Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos, "A Note on a Typing System for the Higher-Order $\pi$-Calculus", Tokoro Laboratory Technical Report, Sep. 22, 1993. Paper
  7. Vasco Vasconcelos and Kohei Honda, "Principal Typing Scheme for Polyadic $\pi$-Calculus" (revised edition), in CONCUR'93, 4th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.715, pp.524--538, Springer-Verlag, August 1993. Paper
  8. Kohei Honda, "Types for Dyadic Interaction", in CONCUR'93, 4th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 612, Springer-Verlag, pp.509--523, August 1993. Paper
  9. Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos and Mario Tokoro, "A Typing System for a Calculus of Objects" (revised edition), Tokoro Laboratory Technical Report, June 1993. also appeared in Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS'93), pp. 460--474, Springer-Verlag LNCS 742, Nov. 1993. Paper
  10. Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos, "Predicative Polymorphism in $\pi$-calculus", Tokoro Laboratory Technical Report, May 1993. enhanced in November 1993 and submitted for publication. Paper
  11. K. Honda and M. Tokoro, "On Asynchronous Communication Semantics", Proc. ECOOP'91 Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Computing, Geneva, July 1991, LNCS No. 612, Springer Verlag, July 1992. Paper
  12. K. Honda and M. Tokoro, "An Object Calculus for Asynchronous Communication", Proc. of 6th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'91), Geneva, July 1991, LNCS No. 512, Springer Verlag July 1991. Paper

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